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Performed during the summer holidays 2015 in Croftlands Junior School |
Basic Background: The idea behind Polar Explorers is for the children to encounter God through stories from the New Testament and explore how the Holy Spirit changed people to change the world. These early Christians weren't too hopeless or too ordinary, they were never too anything to serve God. Following on from the events of Easter the programme gives ample opportunity for children to engage with the gospel while exploring the lives of some remarkable people, and encouraging them to be part of God's big expedition.
Themes for the week Expedition 1: Never too many mistakes… – Monday Key character: Peter Bible Passage: Matthew 16:18; John 18:1-27; Acts 2 Key Storylines: Peter was one of Jesus' closest friends and followers, but he made an awful lot of mistakes. When Jesus had been arrested, before he was crucified, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus. When the Holy Spirit came, Peter preached an amazing message to all people, many came to know Jesus and the early church was formed. We need to have the right equipment/clothing for the expedition we are going on. Key Aims: To welcome the children and set the tone for the club. To help the children understand that however much we have messed up in the past, God can restore us and use us in ways we never dreamed of. To help the children begin to explore that we are never too anything for God to use us. To help children begin to understand the concept of Kingdom Footprints: how what we do with God leaves positive marks on the world around us. Memory Verse: Be ready with the good news of peace as shoes on your feet; Ephesians 6:15 Expedition 2: Never too ordinary… – Tuesday Key character: Stephen Bible Passage: Acts 6 Key Storylines: Stephen was chosen to help the apostles by organising food. Although this didn't seem like a glamorous job, the Bible tells us that Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit, as well as grace and power and did many signs and wonders. We need to have the right provisions for the expedition we are going on. Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club. To help the children understand that however unglamorous and in the background we feel, God will use us in amazing ways. To explore that God will give us his Holy Spirit to help us do whatever job he calls us to. To help the children discover Stephen's Kingdom Footprint. Memory Verse: T he Lord will save everyone who asks for his help. Acts 2:21 Expedition 3: Never too near or far… – Wednesday Key character: Philip Bible Passage: Acts 8:26-39 Key Storylines: Philip had a very successful ministry preaching God's word in Samaria, but God called him away to travel on a desert road. Because of Philip's obedience, the Ethiopian came to know Jesus. We need to have a compass to show us where we are on our expedition. Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club. To help the children understand that we can serve God wherever we are. To explore how Philip was ready to be used by God wherever he was. To help the children discover Philip's Kingdom Footprint. Memory Verse: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6 Expedition 4: Never too bad… – Thursday Key character: Saul/Paul - to be known as Paul to avoid children's confusion. Bible Passage: Acts 9:1-31 Key Storylines: Paul had been one of the key enemies of Jesus and his followers – he'd even had Christians killed. Jesus met Paul on the road to Damascus; Paul spent the rest of his life following Jesus and sharing the good news. We need to have a map to help us navigate on our expedition. Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club. To help the children understand that God doesn't let what we have been prevent us from being part of his big expedition. To help the children continue to explore that we are never too anything for God to use us. Today the children will see that God can turn any life around – even those who think they're beyond his reach. To help the children discover Paul's Kingdom Footprint. Memory Verse: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105 Expedition 5: Never too young… – Friday Key character: Timothy Bible Passage: Acts 16; 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 1 Key Storylines: Timothy was a young disciple who had been brought up by a godly family. Timothy, despite his youth, had great character and was picked by two of the church's major players (Paul and Silas) to go on mission with them. We need to have a way of recording information to help us remember the key points from our expedition. Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club. To help the children understand that God doesn't let our young age get in the way of us being part of his big expedition. To explore Timothy's story and see how he worked for God. To help the children uncover Timothy's Kingdom Footprint. Memory Verse: I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29v11