
Mark and Sarah have an eggcellent way of telling the story of Easter in the eggxciting assembly. Funnily enough using eggs!

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So many ways to praise the Lord

Inright Outright


Here is a activity sheet about Easter


Here is a quick reminder of what was in each of the eggs


Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, people put their cloaks on the floor for Him to ride over as well as waving the branches from palm trees. They shouted 'Hosanna' which means help or save.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 21 verses 1 to 11

Mark chapter 11 verses 1 to 11

Luke chapter 19 verses 28 to 44

John chapter 12 verses12 to 19


Judas one of the followers and disciples of Jesus decided to tell the people who didn't like Jesus where he would be - this is called betrayal. They paid him 30 pieces of silver.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 26 verses 14 to 16

Mark chapter 14 verses 10 to 11

Luke chapter 22 verses 1 to 6


Jesus wanted to celebrate the Passover feast with His followers, except He did a few things differently.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 26 verses 17 to 35

Mark chapter 14 verses 12 to 32

Luke chapter 22 verses 7 to 38


Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is where Judas brings the soldiers to arrest Jesus

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 26 verses 36 to 56

Mark chapter 14 verses 32 to 52

Luke chapter 22 verses 39 to 53

John chapter 18 verses 1 to 11


Jesus is put on trail before the Jewish religious leaders and then the Roman authorities. He is then given over to the soldiers to be flogged - whipped.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27 verse 26

Mark chapter 15 verse 15

Luke chapter 22 verses 63 to 65

John chapter 19 verse 1


The soldiers made a crown from thorn branches and put it on Jesus' head and bowed down to mock Him.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27 verses 27 to 31

Mark chapter 15 verses 16 to 20


Jesus was then taken away to be crucified

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27 verses 32 to 44

Mark chapter 15 verses 21 to 32

Luke chapter 23 verses 26 to 43

John chapter 19 verses 17 to 27


At the foot of the cross the Roman soldiers played a game of dice and bet and gambled for Jesus clothes.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27verse 35

Mark chapter 15 verse 24

Luke chapter 23 verse 34

John chapter19 verses 23 to 24


As Jesus died on the cross darkness fell upon the earth. The soldier standing nearby pushed a spear into Jesus' side.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew 27 chapter verses 45 to 56

Mark chapter 15 verses 33 to 41

Luke chapter 23 verses 44 to 49

John chapter 19 verses 28 to 37


Some of Jesus' followers and supports took His body from the cross and wrapped Him in a linen cloth.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27 verses 57 to 59

Mark chapter 15 verses 42 to 46

Luke chapter 23 verses 50 to 53

John chapter 19 verses 38 to 40


The body of Jesus was placed in a nearby tomb and a large stone was rolled in front of it.

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 27 verses 66 to 61

Mark chapter 15 verses 46b to 47

Luke chapter 23 verses 53b to 56

John chapter 19 verses 41 to 42


On the Sunday morning the women went to the tomb of Jesus to pour spices and other oils on His body - but He wasn't there...

You can read about this event in:-

Matthew chapter 28 verses 1 to 10

Mark chapter 16 verses 1 to 8

Luke chapter 24 verses 1 to 12

John chapter 20 verses 1 to 9


Jesus appeared alive many times from the time of His resurrection to the time that He ascended up back into heaven.

You can read about these events in:-

Matthew chapter 28 verses 16 to 20

Mark chapter 16 verses 12 to 20

Luke chapter 24 verses 13 to 53

John chapter 20 verses 10 to 31 and chapter 21 verses 1 to 25

Acts chapter 1 verses 2 to 11