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Performed during the summer holidays 2016 in Croftlands Junior School |
Basic Background: Once the Hall of Memory in the city of Ancora was filled with wonderful story treasures, each a reminder of one of the great stories of the Bible (Saga). Now, many of those objects have been lost. Each day of the club, the task of the children (the Guardians) will be to find a lost story treasure, return it to the Hall of Memory and explore the story that it represents. As the Hall fills up, the Children will discover how each story fits together to reveal more about who Jesus is and how they might develop their own relationship with him.
Themes for the week Quest 1: Jesus calls the fishermen – Monday
Bible Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Key Storylines: The Guardians find a pile of fishing nets, which help to open up the story of the call of the fishermen. By listening to Jesus the fishermen are able to catch very large numbers of fish, when without him they had worked hard, but caught nothing. Jesus asks the fishermen to leave their homes and fish for people instead of fish. He calls them to follow him.
Key Aims: To welcome the children and set the tone for the club. To find out that, just as Jesus called the fishermen to follow him, he calls us too. To understand that following Jesus is sometimes costly, but always brings blessings. To regard and treat these stories as wonderful treasure.
Memory Verse: Jesus said… "Don't be afraid! From now on you will bring in people instead of fish." Luke 5:10b
Quest 2: Jesus heals a woman and a Girl – Tuesday
Bible Passage: Luke 8:40-56
Key Storylines: The Guardians find a collection of hand prints, which release the story of Jairus's daughter and the woman who touches Jesus' coat. The woman who touched Jesus coat has been unwell for 12 years and no one has been able to heal her. Her faith in Jesus combined with the power to heal means that only one touch of his coat is enough to restore her to health. The people claim that Jairus's daughter is dead, but Jesus is able to restore her to life.
Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club, and remind them what has happened so far. To find out that even though Jesus is very powerful he is still interested in the details of our lives. To understand that Jesus has a great compassion on those who are unwell or in need, and that he calls those who follow him to have the same compassion. To create a mood of anticipation for Quest 4, in which Jesus performs another exciting miracle and reveals a little more of who he is.
Memory Verse: Jesus said to the woman, "You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace!" Luke 8:48
Quest 3: Jesus heals the Roman officersservant – Wednesday
Bible Passage: Luke 7:1-10
Key Storylines: The Guardians find a pair of Roman sandals, which launch the story of the Roman officer's servant. The Roman officer's servant is extremely unwell and about to die. The officer demonstrates great faith in Jesus and his servant is healed. Faith in Jesus, his authority and power is all that is needed for the servant to be healed.
Key Aims: To welcome the children back to the club, and remind them what has happened so far. To find out that Jesus is God's son and has his authority and power. To have a growing sense of excitement and wonder about finding the story treasures.
Memory Verse: Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Matthew 22:37
Quest 4: Jesus heals a man who camethrough a roof – Thursday
Bible Passage: Luke 5:17-26
Key Storylines: The Guardians unwrap a selection of random objects, the last of which is a mat, leading them to the story of Jesus healing a man who comes to him through a hole in the roof. A paralysed man is brought to Jesus, but because there is no space for the men carrying him to get through the crowds they climb onto the roof of the building where Jesus is teaching and lower the man through the ceiling. On seeing the faith of these men, Jesus heals the paralysed man.
Key Aims: To understand that God has the power to heal and restore. To identify that in each of the healing miracles explored so far Jesus comments on the faith of the people involved. To realise that part of being healed and restore is being forgiven, and that Jesus has the power to forgive our sins. To grasp what it means to put faith in Jesus day to day. Memory Verse: The Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth. Luke 5:24
Quest 5: Jesus feeds 5000 – Friday
Bible Passage: John 6:1-15, 25-35
Key Storylines: The Guardians find tins of tuna and bread rolls, which reveal the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. A crowd of people who have seen Jesus perform miracles and heal the sick are following him, eager to find out more about him. Jesus takes two small fish and five loaves from a young boy and miraculously multiplies the food to feed the entire crowd, with twelve baskets full of leaftovers.
Key Aims: To welcome each child to the club and to give them a memorable final day. To discover that Jesus is able to use what we have to great effect when we allow him to do so. To understand what Jesus means when he describes himself as the ‘bread of life'. To consider what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to respond. Memory Verse: Jesus said: I am the bread that gives life! No one who comes to me will ever be hungry. John 6:35
No Photographs were taken this year. |